Material: Dreams
Specifications                  [Edit]
Type:Natural Material
Weight:0.2 kg
Value:0.8 PED
Found on:ROCKtropia
User Value:250.00 % (2016-11-09)
Dragons are formed by dreams, but they also consume dreams.
Human Rock Stars are the avatars of dragons.
You have to be very careful because dragons will devour your dreams if they kill you, but if you can kill a Rock Star's dragon, you collect some of their dreams and perhaps some of their fame will rub off on you.

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Blueprints where the material is used.

BlueprintAmountCostCost/MCost/%Found on
Global Trucker Cap Blueprint54.0010.00250.0ROCKtropia
Lockpick Kit I Blueprint10.802.00250.0ROCKtropia
 Lockpick Kit I Blueprint (L)10.802.00250.0ROCKtropia

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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Pop DragonUncommonYoung18.8.1Last VUEdit
NEVERDIE DragonCommon 18.6.0Last VUEdit
Crib Raid ICommon 17.23.2.aLast VUEdit
Morrison DragonCommonYoung17.17.1aLast VUEdit
Scavenger WolfRareProvider17.6.1Last VUEdit
Joplin DragonNo longer drops 15.19.1Last VUEdit
Rudolf DragonNo longer drops Last VUEdit
SoulshakerNo longer drops 15.12.1Last VUEdit
 Stereo JackerNo longer drops 15.11.4Last VUEdit
Hendrix DragonNo longer drops 15.10.1Last VUEdit
Lemmy DragonNo longer drops 14.2.1Last VUEdit
 Mulholland BoyNo longer drops 12.6.3+Last VUEdit

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