Mission: L.T.'s Viewing Pleasure
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Planet:Planet Cyrene
Objective:Kill 10 creatures in the shallows
Reward:1 Imperium Armor Plating I
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:L.T. Locky
Added:Planet Cyrene 2012.1


These creatures aren't normally worth L.T.'s time, but they are definitely in the way.

  • Go to shallow waters
  • Kill 10 creatures in the shallows
    • 0/10
  • Return to L.T.


L.T. Locky (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138783, 77712, 113, L.T. Locky])
You, yes you. I need you to get rid of those mobs over there, they are distracting from my view of the coastline.
  • Alright, I'll do it, but it better pay!
  • No one tells me what to do!

On killing 10 Sky Wraith and return to L.T. Locky:
Ah, thank you.

My view is much more clear, if you get my drift.

You know, since you killed those things in my way.

Just take this and get outta here.

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