DialogYou! You like like someone who likes to get up in your enemies face! - Sounds risky.
Risky! It's up close, in your face! It's macho!
- Macho?
Well, it's also effective, using a melee weapon you don't need any ammo!
- No ammo, well that's good.
Yeah! I mean, all weapons take decay when you use them, so it's sort of the same. Anyways, why not try it out for yourself.
- Sure, I'll try it.
You've chosen well, this is the Imperium Trainee Combat Knife, you can go into your inventory ("I") and select weapons from the tab. Right click on the Imperium Trainee Combat Knife, and select "Equip" and you'll be all set to try it out!
Good luck!
- No thanks, maybe some other time.