Mission: Meet the Tanhok...
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Repeatable (Cyrene)
Objective:Earn 200 Merfolken Kill Points
Reward:Perception (eq. 0.20 PED Implant)
Reward Skills:Perception
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Malbow, Zekkonian Representative
Nearest City:Rookie Training Area


Malbow of the Tanhok Tribe Zekkonians will give you Perception skill if you earn 200 Kill Points by destroy any maturity Merfolkens.

Here are the point values for each Merfolken:

Young Merfolken = 1 point

Adult Merfolken = 1 point

Scout Merfolken = 5 point

Gatherer Merfolken = 6 points

Scavenger Merfolken = 9 points

Raider Merfolken = 11 points

Gladiator Merfolken = 22 points



Earn 200 Merfolken Kill Points





I am, Malbow, the Ambassador for the Tahnok Tribe.

The Imperium have contacted out clan and asked us to show any new corners on Cyrene what we are about. The Tanhok are a noble race of what you may now as "bee-like" humanoids. We have do not have the technical knowledge of the Imperium but we are attempting to open up trade agreements with them very soon. Perhaps you have seen out Amber weapons, they are very powerful and hard to destroy.

The Imperium is having a sort of "contest" in which you'd kill some of our enemies, namely the Merfolken and we'd award you some skills. You will need to collect 200 points from killing Merfolkens.
Would you like to start this challenge?

- I'd be honored.

- I may not.

Very well, I will remain here for other new arrivals in case you wish to return.

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