Maturity Class: | Allophyl |
Found on: | Planet Calypso
Damage types |
Impact: | 33 % |
Electric: | 67 % |
Movement |
Movement: | Running |
Combat |
Combat: | Close |
Attacks: | 15 /min |
Aggression: | Low |
Other |
Tamable: | No |
Sweatable: | Yes |
HP of least Maturity: | 500 HP |
Professions |
Defensive: | Evader |
Scanning: | Animal Investigator |
Calypso |
CodexCodex entry contributed to by: The Allophyl, also known as the "Fisherman", is one of the strangest native animals on Calypso. It's extremely tall, but despite this size, its body is very light, allowing its long and slender legs to support its own weight. The Allophyl is a marine animal and lives near the waterside were it primarily feeds on fish and other water animals. Its hunting technique varies from searching the sea bottom to catching free-swimming prey in the water, but its method remains the same. It uses sensitive electrodes on its tentacles to locate the prey, which it then stuns it with an electric charge released into the water between its two slender tentacle arms. The flying Igni insects are sometimes seen hovering around these majestic animals, hoping to extract some of the residue energy from the electric charges that are released while the Allophyl is hunting.
Name MeaningFrom the Greek "allos", meaning "another, other, otherwise". "Philos" is "a friend , a companion". So it's just another friend? (see Estophyl). Alternatively, Greek "phyllon" is a leaf, so it's a "different leaf"? Codex Rewards
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Maturity Levels
Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.
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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false. The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.
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Where the creature can be found.
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Defence Skills
The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.
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Scanning Skills
You get these skills by scanning the creature.