Creature: THING
Specifications                  [Edit]
Maturity Class:THING
Found on:Hunt The THING
Damage types
Cut:50 %
Impact:50 %
HP of least Maturity:200 HP
Scanning:Mutant Investigator
Minimum Global level:50 PED
Hunt THINGS Glory Points:
  • THING lvl 7 - 4 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 8 - 4 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 9 - 4 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 11 - 5 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 13 - 6 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 14 - 7 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 16 - 8 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 21 - 11 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 25 - 13 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 31 - 16 Glory Points
  • THING lvl 43 - 23 Glory Points


There are other levels of THINGS that are not included in the mission parameters. If someone knows the point values, please add them.


Higher level shared loot versions can be spawned by using Ruxxnet Code.

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Maturity Levels

Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.

MaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
L5200 20540400 
L6200 20633.3400 
L7760 257108.61900 
L8990 258123.82475 
L9900 3091002700 
L101110  10111  
L111060 431196.44558 
L131340  13103.1  
L141460 6014104.38760 
L161580  1698.8  
L212020  2196.2  
L221740 1002279.117400 
L252500  25100  
L271960 1202772.623520 
L281960  2870  
 HPHP/sHP   Level
<< < 1 2 > >> (All)

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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false.
The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.

ItemFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
ShrapnelVery oftenL618.8.1.aLast VUEdit
Animal Muscle OilCommonL617.23.2.aLast VUEdit
Animal HideCommonL7Last VUEdit
Animal Oil ResidueVery oftenL6Last VUEdit
 Ammo (High Grade)Very oftenL7Last VUEdit
 Ammo (Low Grade)Very oftenL7Last VUEdit
Animal Eye OilOftenL7Last VUEdit
Paint Can (Blue)CommonL7Last VUEdit
Soft HideCommonL8Last VUEdit
Animal Thyroid OilCommonL16Last VUEdit
WoolOftenL5Last VUEdit
 Warm THING BloodCommonL8Last VUEdit
Basic Cloth ExtractorUncommonL9Last VUEdit
 Cold THING BloodVery oftenL7Last VUEdit
Thin WoolUncommonL7Last VUEdit
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 > >> (All)

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Where the creature can be found.

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Arctic3647023580CreatureTHING L10 to L22Medium
Arctic3564023220THING L14 to L43Medium
Arctic3535022560THING L14 to L43Medium
Arctic3576021460THING L22 to L43Medium
Arctic3660022000THING L22 to L67High
Arctic3754022100THING L27 to L67High
Rocktropia13562297232THING L6 to L167LowZomhattan
Rocktropia13496896969THING L6 to L8LowZomhattan
Arctic3870022070THING L7 to L13Medium
Arctic3915023340THING L9 to L13Medium
Arctic3817023650THING L9 to L13Medium

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Defence Skills

The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo840
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo111600
Combat: Combat SenseYes6800
Defense: AvoidanceYes70
Defense: EvadeNo250
General: AlertnessNo50
General: AthleticsNo14533.3
General: CourageNo7320
General: IntuitionYes31600
General: QuicknessYes93200
General: SerendipityYes51600

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Scanning Skills

You get these skills by scanning the creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: IntelligenceNo180
General: PerceptionNo51600
Information: ProbingNo70
Information: Scan MutantNo500
Medical: AnatomyNo40
Science: AnalysisNo100
Science: BiologyNo50
Science: ComputerNo20
Science: GeneticsNo90
Science: ScientistYes31600
Science: XenobiologyYes40

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