Creature: Wahesh
Specifications                  [Edit]
Maturity Class:Wahesh
Found on:DSEC-9
Planet Toulan
HP of least Maturity:250 HP
Scanning:Animal Investigator
Minimum Global level:5 PED
Planet Toulan


Codex entry contributed to by:

Damage type investigation

Damage was done to Imperium Armor Plating I - so must include some or all of Penetration, Impact or Burn

Damage was done to Armor Plating Mark.6A - so must include some or all of Penetration or Burn


No damage done to Ozpyn Cold Protector (L) - so no Cold damage


Mission NameObjectiveRepeatableReward
Hunt 100 Wahesh (Daily)Kill 100 WaheshYes (daily)Combat Reflexes (eq 1.27 PED)


The Wahesh Hatchlings can be found in the large lake on the west side of the Lotus area in DSEC-9.

The Wahesh are a rare, immense lake monster. It is a creature of legends. Many villagers and travellers believe them to be a myth, and those who set out to find one quickly find themselves on a dangerous journey. Known to be directly linked to Nawa sources beneath Al Hawa Lake, the Wahesh emit Nawa energy in sparks, making them highly sought-after by the Nawa-obsessed.

Codex Rewards

Note: If this mob has sets 3 and 4 for Codex Rank 5 (and not just set 3), then replace entire table with that from Longtooth, as the numbers are exactly the same.









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Maturity Levels

Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.

MaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
Hatchling250 142125350 
Young1300  1872.2  
Mature1640  2274.5  
Old1810  2669.6  
Provider2030 1172872.523751 
Guardian2290 1303173.929770 
Dominant2540 1463572.637084 
Alpha2830 1573972.644431 
Old Alpha3030  4272.1  
Prowler3370  5166.1  
Stalker3990  5276.7  
 HPHP/sHP   Level

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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false.
The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.

ItemFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
ShrapnelVery oftenHatchling18.8.1Last VUEdit
Animal Oil ResidueOftenHatchlingLast VUEdit
Basic Leather ExtractorOftenHatchlingLast VUEdit
 Wahesh HideOftenHatchlingLast VUEdit
 Wahesh ScalesUncommonHatchlingLast VUEdit
Animal HideCommonHatchlingLast VUEdit
Animal Muscle OilOftenHatchlingLast VUEdit
Socket 1 ComponentCommonHatchlingLast VUEdit
Animal Adrenal OilOftenYoung18.7.1Last VUEdit
 Jamjoom Massacre (L)CommonHatchlingLast VUEdit
Paint Can (Turqoise)CommonProviderLast VUEdit
Diluted Mineral ExtractorCommonHatchlingLast VUEdit
Inferior Cloth ExtractorCommonMatureLast VUEdit
Paint Can (Light Green)CommonProviderLast VUEdit
Animal Liver OilCommonOld AlphaLast VUEdit
<< < 1 2 3 4 > >> (All)

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Where the creature can be found.

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Planet Toulan13247092235CreatureWahesh Alpha to StalkerHigh
Planet Toulan13345791828Wahesh Provider to DominantHigh
Planet Toulan13187296442Wahesh Young to OldHigh

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Defence Skills

The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo840
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo111600
Combat: Combat SenseYes6800
Defense: AvoidanceYes70
Defense: EvadeNo250
General: AlertnessNo50
General: AthleticsNo14533.3
General: CourageNo7320
General: IntuitionYes31600
General: QuicknessYes93200
General: SerendipityYes51600

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Scanning Skills

You get these skills by scanning the creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: IntelligenceNo280
General: PerceptionNo51600
Information: ProbingNo60
Information: Scan AnimalNo460
Science: AnalysisNo100
Science: BiologyNo100
Science: BotanyNo80
Science: ComputerNo20
Science: ScientistYes51600
Science: XenobiologyYes40
Science: ZoologyNo20

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